Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just a Few Thoughts About the Weather

I have to confess that I am a weather geek.  Big storms are an awesome display of power, and to keep it in perspective, it is only a smidgen compared to God's power.  Looking at storms of the past and learning how they were put together by certain conditions can be a lesson for us in our prayer life.

When I have not spent time in prayer or in God's Word, my perception of circumstances in my life can get a little off.  Add an unexpected event or crisis, and my perception becomes warped and my eyes look inside rather than up.  I begin to wonder if God has abandoned me.  The storm winds begin to push me off my foundation because I have not rooted myself in Him.

When I have been spending time in prayer and reading my Bible, then my perception is spot on and the biggest crisis will not uproot me because I am steeped in His promises for me.  The winds may blow and the rain may come, but I know from where my help comes from.

How about you?  Have you let the storms of life push you to and fro?



Monday, October 11, 2010

A Weekend in the Upper Penisula On Lake Superior

The weather was gloriously warm and sunny during the day and crisp and cold at night, but I would shiver all over again to fill my eyes with the beauty of God's creation.  Lake Superior, to me, is the best place on the planet.  I have travelled around the entire lake as well as around the country.  While every region has something that is striking and memorable, I am still drawn back to the greatest Great Lake, Lake Superior.

My family took advantage of the clear weather to travel 7 hours to the shores of Superior.  Our purpose was to spend time together and see the Painted Rocks, Tequahmenon Falls, Grand Marais and the gem of the north, Lake Superior.  We were not disappointed!  God showed us his splendorious glory in the moonless sky lit with millions of stars and visible planets and in the crashing of the waves upon the shore.  We were reminded that God put the stars in the sky and he knows them by name, and if he knows the stars he made, stars that are not alive or created in his image, how much more does he know us?  How much more does he love us?  How much more can we mean to him than we already do?

Which makes me pause to reflect on my heart - is my heart after God's own heart?  Not always, and for that I am ashamed.  My flesh rises above the calling of my Lord and I struggle with loving my neighbor, my spouse, my co-worker because my heart is not what it needs to be.  And that makes me pray for a new heart, a heart that seeks to love as God loves.

How about you?  How is your heart today?

In Christ,


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Prayer is the Only Way to Know Jesus

Life has been a little bumpy lately.  My daughter claims she doesn't believe in God, my trip to Cedar Point ended with a concussion and my husband is still out looking for work.  There is a song that asks "where can I go but to the Lord?" And that is where I will go.  To the foot of the cross and seek my solace there.

Monday, September 13, 2010

What do you do when

Life seems to have punched you in the gut?  Honestly, my first reaction is to question God. After all, he is all powerful and all knowing, right?  But then I am reminded that the evil one is always on the prowl, seeking to devour the faith of the people of God.  It is in dark times, lonely times, stressful times, and painful times that I sometimes forget I have access to the throne of Grace, but it is exactly during those times when I need God more than anything else. 

My daughter, who had a beautiful child's faith is Jesus Christ, now finds herself unsure if He is who He says He is.  As a young teen, the evil in the world seems to have consumed her faith with lies.  It was her recognition and understanding that darkness exists at all in the face of a loving God that began unraveling her faith.  Explanations of how evil came to exist in the first place, or of what free will is, or that we all have choices have fallen on a wounded heart.

Middle school was pretty tough on my daughter, and her self-worth went down the toilet with every mean comment made by girls who never took the time to get to know her and her heart.  Throw in an alcoholic father 800 miles away who manipulates her emotions, a life at home that has strife and stress, and is it any wonder the enemy won this battle so easily?

But the war isn't over, and since my daughter is still open to dialogue and asking questions, then I will continue to trust my Lord with her heart and pray that He will guide my words and ways.  This war will be won only through prayer and intercession for her, and my God is faithful and true to his promises - Those who the father has given Him will not be plucked from His hand.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sermons from Wisconsin

Yesterday I looked up River Hills Community Church on line.  They have a link to a really cool video put together by Josh, one of my Mongolian Mission team members.  He did a really good job showing all the work that was done to the building and the culture of the country.  So while I was there, I came across the links to past sermons.  There was a series of sermons from Numbers in the Old Testament which grabbed my attention. 

Generally speaking, Numbers doesn't really get a lot of people excited.  These sermons are presented in the context of tying the symbols in the book to the New Testament and the symbols used to represent Christ.  Some scholarly types may not find them very deep or philosophical, but for those of us who kind of caught some of those lessons, this is a great presentation.  The pastor also puts it into practical application for our lives, which is always helpful to me.

I like to read and hear sermons from other churches to find out if there is a common thread, like justice or charity.  It seems that when churches all over the country are preaching similar messages, then God is serious about his people getting that message.  What I get lately is that we need to get down to basics, and by that I mean Jesus.  We, the Church, needs to put our focus on Him and our relationship with Him, which is developed in prayer, solitude and reading the Bible.  When we do that, perhaps He will send us much needed revival in these dark times.

Prayerfully yours,

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Prayer Builds Community Among Believers

I've been thinking a lot lately about how to build a closer community among my fellow believers.  Lots of things bring us together, like dinners, baby showers, group hikes and Sunday mornings.  These are all good activities and they do build community, but they aren't everyday, or all the time activities. 

In the early church, everyone ate together, shared living space and worked together for Christ.  They also prayed together.  Today, in our culture of independence, I doubt anyone would be willing to give up their private homes and move in with another family of believers.  Communes happened in the 60's and only freak leaders start communes with themselves as the Leader Who Must Be Worshipped these days, or at least that is what we hear in the news. 

People who have Jesus, have access to the throne of God.  We can be anyplace on the planet and just start praying.  For anyone.  Do we ever realize the power that awaits those who choose to plug in to the One who is all powerful?  Not that we become superheroes or anything, but the power of intercession is unlike any other.  Jesus modeled prayer constantly while he was on this Earth.  He needed to be with the Father in order to have the strength to minister to those he met with. 

How can we develop community through prayer?  By learning about the heart of our brothers and sisters.  Not everyone is a happy Christian.  People have wounds that have never been healed, fears that have never been addressed, in short, bondage.  Let me tell you a short story.

The father of my child is an alcoholic.  When we were together, he would say unspeakably mean and abusive things to me.  A lot of pain built up and for the safety of my child, I had to break the relationship.  A nasty and unneccessary custody suit took place, and that caused even more hurt to build up in my heart.  About a 6 months before leaving, I surrendered my life to Christ.  He taught me so much so fast through His Word and through prayer.  He showed Himself Faithful and Trustworthy.  Big things to a girl who didn't have a father to look to as an example of God's provision and protection.  About 6 months after leaving, Jesus told me to pray for him.  Ha!  That was the last thing I wanted to do.  But I obeyed. 

At first, I didn't spend any time or heart on my prayers for him.  Just a basic "God, bless him."  And I will admit that I was not sincere in my desire to see him blessed.  My heart was crying for justice!  Smite him, God!  But I knew, and still know, that is not what God wants for anybody.  Over a period of time, my heart softend and I could see past the abuse and see a heart that was broken and in need of a Savior. Just like mine was.  9 to 10 months after being told to pray for him, I can say that I love him as Christ loves him.  I pray for his salvation, for his healing and for restoration. 

This is what can happen when we pray together as a community.  Hearts soften, vulnerability takes place and if we can be honest with each other and admit we aren't perfect Christians, then love can flow openly and healing can truly come in.  That is the Kingdom of God that we can show a lost world.

Let us pray.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Morning in Kalamazoo, MI

God isn't just in church.  That may come as a surprise to a lot of people because that's the reason they go to church in the first place.  Some people keep God in the building where they go on Sunday mornings and don't include him in any other part of their lives.  I didn't go to church today, and God was everywhere in the form of 450 women and countless volunteers who met in Kalamazoo for the Girl's Best Friend Triathlon.  Every shape, size and color of God's creation in the form of women were present and spent a morning testing their limits by swimming, biking and running.  They were so beautiful!  All created in His image, all doing the best of their ability and everyone encouraging one another during the bike and run.  It is hard to offer much encouragement during the swim because of the breathing and all that. 

The simplistic beauty of the countryside was seen during the bike course - green fields showing the signs of late summer with a clear blue sky overhead to contrast the brown trunks of the trees.  During the run, the trail took us through fields, woods and open road.  The cool shade was strongly contrasted by the heat in the fields and it was great to experience the variety of God's handiwork.

I encourage you to look for Jesus, the creator of all things, in everyday circumstances, in every person and in church.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Thinking about good news

Here in Michigan, there is a lot of bad news.  But one can find good news if you know where to look.  Habitat for Humanity is one place.  I have had the opportunity to participate in more than one build, and have seen firsthand the blessing that rises from the foundation and the hope that grows with each home.  There is love and fellowship, joy and sweat.  If you have the chance to join a build, do it!  You will meet some really terrific people who are living out the Gospel by taking care of the orphan and the widow.  Blessings to you today,

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A short post

This fall, well just around the corner, there are two conferences I would like to attend.  One is Donald Miller's and the other by FirstThird, a ministry by Elizabeth Marquardt and Andrew Root.  I have to work on the days of both conferences, so attending is not possible.  Their books, however, are available and I have read two out of the four more recent publications. 

Relationships are what make the world a better or worse place. I want it to be a better one by doing relationship differently.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back from Mongolia and it was an amazing trip!  The power of God was present, joy was evident in the belivevers and fellowship was loving.  So the burning question is:  What kind of story do I want my life to tell?  I read Donald Miller's new book "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" on my flight to Seoul, Korea and then while in Mongolia.  Donald Miller is having a conference in Portland, OR on Sept. 26th and 27th. 

The book really got me thinking, and also praying, about what do I want my life to say to people?  If money were no object, and there were no obstacles, what would I do with my life?  How would I get there?  I've been able to see and experience a lot so far, more than most people.  I have been skydiving, I was a flight attendant who has seen most of the US, I have served on international mission teams and I have been married more than once.  I have been abused, I have survived near death accidents with minimal damage, or none at all.  Mostly related to training horses.  I have even done a couple of sprint distance triathlons in my fat condition.  My heart has been broken and mended. After all this, what story do I want to tell?

After all I have seen and done, I would like to tell a love story.  A story of forgiveness and grace.  A story that gives people the courage to go on.  Part of that story involves creating a haven for children who have been "thrown away" by their family.  My heart aches with their pain.  God has given me an inordinate love for people, including the unlovely, but especially for children and young adults who have been told by others in their lives that they are unlovable and unworthy of God's love.  It is my heart's desire to create a place where they can retreat from the world and find healing and respite.  Where they can find truth in what God says who they are:  created in His image, loved and known before they were born and most of all - forgiven. 

There are a lot of hinderenaces to this dream.  Number one being money.  I don't have a personal piggy bank large enough.  Second, licensing.  I'm not sure how many agencies I would have to go through before opening the doors.  Initially, it wouldn't be a permanent residence facility, which may make things easier to begin with.  That would be the end goal, though.  Another stumbling block would be staffing.  Depending on the size and number of kids, I would need qualifed staff.  Would this create more licensing issues?  The pile of red tape I forsee with something like this is mountainous and expensive.  Location.  The need is so great everywhere, but where would be the best place to start?  One doesn't have to go very far to find a child who is hurting.  I have one in my own house.  She doesn't see anything about her that is lovely or worth loving and it breaks my heart.  She is my child.

Attending the conference in September would help me clarify my vision and help show me the way to get there.  I agree with a lot of what Donlad Miller writes, and to have the opportunity to talk with him in person (I saw him at a YS convention in Cinncinati a few years ago but didn't get to meet him) and discuss writing the life story I want to live would be most fabulous.

Check out Donald Miller's conference information here:

Check out his video here:

And here:

Monday, July 19, 2010

It all started when....

I went to Donald Miller's Facebook page and saw he was having a contest.  After reading the rule where one has to have a blog in order to enter, I decided to go for it.  There is a direction I want my life to go, and that is by having a marriage that reflects the love of Christ, and a love of Christ that is reflected in service.  An honest service in the sense that the service I do is because of who I am, not something I do. 

This does, however, cause a certain amount of stress between myself and my spouse for reasons that are complicated by personalities, desires and levels of maturity.  Which is why I must be in constant prayer.

Won't you join me in this journey of discovery and let's find out together just how much Jesus has to say if we only listen?

Love in Christ,