Monday, October 11, 2010

A Weekend in the Upper Penisula On Lake Superior

The weather was gloriously warm and sunny during the day and crisp and cold at night, but I would shiver all over again to fill my eyes with the beauty of God's creation.  Lake Superior, to me, is the best place on the planet.  I have travelled around the entire lake as well as around the country.  While every region has something that is striking and memorable, I am still drawn back to the greatest Great Lake, Lake Superior.

My family took advantage of the clear weather to travel 7 hours to the shores of Superior.  Our purpose was to spend time together and see the Painted Rocks, Tequahmenon Falls, Grand Marais and the gem of the north, Lake Superior.  We were not disappointed!  God showed us his splendorious glory in the moonless sky lit with millions of stars and visible planets and in the crashing of the waves upon the shore.  We were reminded that God put the stars in the sky and he knows them by name, and if he knows the stars he made, stars that are not alive or created in his image, how much more does he know us?  How much more does he love us?  How much more can we mean to him than we already do?

Which makes me pause to reflect on my heart - is my heart after God's own heart?  Not always, and for that I am ashamed.  My flesh rises above the calling of my Lord and I struggle with loving my neighbor, my spouse, my co-worker because my heart is not what it needs to be.  And that makes me pray for a new heart, a heart that seeks to love as God loves.

How about you?  How is your heart today?

In Christ,


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