Monday, September 13, 2010

What do you do when

Life seems to have punched you in the gut?  Honestly, my first reaction is to question God. After all, he is all powerful and all knowing, right?  But then I am reminded that the evil one is always on the prowl, seeking to devour the faith of the people of God.  It is in dark times, lonely times, stressful times, and painful times that I sometimes forget I have access to the throne of Grace, but it is exactly during those times when I need God more than anything else. 

My daughter, who had a beautiful child's faith is Jesus Christ, now finds herself unsure if He is who He says He is.  As a young teen, the evil in the world seems to have consumed her faith with lies.  It was her recognition and understanding that darkness exists at all in the face of a loving God that began unraveling her faith.  Explanations of how evil came to exist in the first place, or of what free will is, or that we all have choices have fallen on a wounded heart.

Middle school was pretty tough on my daughter, and her self-worth went down the toilet with every mean comment made by girls who never took the time to get to know her and her heart.  Throw in an alcoholic father 800 miles away who manipulates her emotions, a life at home that has strife and stress, and is it any wonder the enemy won this battle so easily?

But the war isn't over, and since my daughter is still open to dialogue and asking questions, then I will continue to trust my Lord with her heart and pray that He will guide my words and ways.  This war will be won only through prayer and intercession for her, and my God is faithful and true to his promises - Those who the father has given Him will not be plucked from His hand.

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