Friday, September 3, 2010

Sermons from Wisconsin

Yesterday I looked up River Hills Community Church on line.  They have a link to a really cool video put together by Josh, one of my Mongolian Mission team members.  He did a really good job showing all the work that was done to the building and the culture of the country.  So while I was there, I came across the links to past sermons.  There was a series of sermons from Numbers in the Old Testament which grabbed my attention. 

Generally speaking, Numbers doesn't really get a lot of people excited.  These sermons are presented in the context of tying the symbols in the book to the New Testament and the symbols used to represent Christ.  Some scholarly types may not find them very deep or philosophical, but for those of us who kind of caught some of those lessons, this is a great presentation.  The pastor also puts it into practical application for our lives, which is always helpful to me.

I like to read and hear sermons from other churches to find out if there is a common thread, like justice or charity.  It seems that when churches all over the country are preaching similar messages, then God is serious about his people getting that message.  What I get lately is that we need to get down to basics, and by that I mean Jesus.  We, the Church, needs to put our focus on Him and our relationship with Him, which is developed in prayer, solitude and reading the Bible.  When we do that, perhaps He will send us much needed revival in these dark times.

Prayerfully yours,

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